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This weekend has been about housekeeping – getting one book to the final stage and the next one from story to storyboard.
The edited version of A is for All-Nighter is finalized and ready for the final copy edit and proofing. I’m still looking for an agent but decided I wanted this book and The Truth about Trolls to escape my hard drive sooner rather that wait through a process that could take years.

So we did a little yard work and laundry, and I began prepping my first illustrated book for printing.

Taking full responsibility forgetting the book printed, marketed and distributed as a paperback and an e-book is daunting and a little bit scary, but it’s also a thrill. Secretly I think every independent author their hopes their project will go viral, but, right now, the more likely scenario of a few dozen sales to family and friends is more than satisfying enough to make it worthwhile.

A is for All-Nighter should be available online by the end of November.