Upstate of Mind


The other night T1 was driving the two of us towards Saratoga Springs to get him a haircut and a pair of pants without holes to wear to his college interview.

The area is pretty densely settled with farms and homes, and there aren’t many uninterrupted vistas. As we neared the top of a hill, the sun sank behind the clouds, casting a glow and silhouetting scrawny trees that bordered an abandoned farm that was not yet ready to surrender to the earth – a perfect interruption.

I’m a pretty confirmed agnostic – the only thing I know for sure is that I know nothing – but as I thought about all the treasures humans unmake, that they think they can remake better or even live without,  I caught myself whispering “only God can make a sunset.”





Prints can be purchased on Etsy here.

Between Worlds


Land of Imagination, 12 x 16, Watercolor, $75

I’m getting paintings together for an exhibition at the Spiral Press Cafe in Manchester, Vermont, and, I’ll be honest, I was having trouble getting into the mood to paint landscapes.  The glow of Iceland has receded — a symptom of having read too many political posts in the intervening months, and the Vermont landscape isn’t turning me on the same way it normally does at this time of year. 

Wrapped up in finishing and publishing my first illustrated book, I was much more hungry to get to work on the illustrations for the next one. That’s when my favorite Élly — Élly’s the star of my next book, The Truth about Trolls, tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me that she needs at least one place to live in during the course of her story, and would I mind getting inspired so she can have some place magical to look at? 

So I looked at my car window and found some magic yesterday. Then I remembered some magic we’d seen in Iceland and in Michigan.  Now it seems I’m seeing magic everywhere.

Trolls are surprisingly logical.

Prints can be purchased on Etsy here.



I think what struck me so much about Iceland is not that it is untouched wilderness. It is a place where people have cut down trees and built their roads.  The Earth, however, will not always stay tamed.  She spits out ash to bury buildings and conspires with the wind to make some parts of herself too harsh to ever truly conquer. Continue reading Wild